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  1. Videotrader

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    ....mmm sembra che ci siano brutte notizie riguardo Steven.....

    Hi Sludgers!

    In case you don't know yet, Steven Adler canceled one of his shows in Spain yesterday (the one in Gijón). All the Steven Adler tour in Spain had had a lot of controversy, as he was playing with spanish players and doing really bad shows... But aparently, for what I've read in some phorums, yesterday was the maximum in Gijón. After playing the 2 opening bands, the organization said to the crowd that Steven was still in the road comming to the gig... later on, said that he was in the hotel and that he would be there in 20 minutes. And finally, 2 hours later, said to everyone that Steven was in the hospital and that he couldn't make it to the show...

    Is he trying to be like Axl?

    Best regards, Marc V

    We just got an e-mail from a guy who was in one of the bands who played on the most recent Adler fiasco in Spain. Well, they played, but not Adler of course!

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: fernando
    To: <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:15 AM
    Subject: Steven Adler rumored to be in a hospital in Spain

    It´s not only a rumour, it's a fact. My name is Don Marino, I play guitar in Dogfight, one of the bands that were going to play with Adler's appetite yesterday in Gijón. We had to go to the gig at 15.30, because he didn´t had his own drum kit, so he would use ours. At 16 h he was sleeping 250 miles ahead, in Burgos. They arrived at 22h - two hours after the starting of the gig- ... without stephen , he was in the hospital having some B12. Two hundred and fifty fans were left without the main concert of the night. It´s a shame that a man who was loved by his expectant fans show such a little respect for his public and the two opening bands.

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